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Tag: tooth decay

Signs That Your Teeth Have Cavities

Your dedication to provide the best dental care will prevent tooth cavity-causing germs. Despite being careful, there will be certain factors that can contribute to the development of tooth decay.

The acid generated from the contact of bacteria and sugars from food attack the teeth and this gives way to the formation of cavities. The ability to quickly recognize the onset of tooth decay will definitely save your time and money. To find out more about tooth decay and tooth cavities, you may visit

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Some signs that your tooth has cavity are as follows:

1. Rarely bad breath and a foul taste in the mouth. Decay is always associated with bad odor. Bad breath is common along with a rather strange taste. If it cannot be controlled by a herbal mouthwash or mouth odor, you will end up having cavities.

2. Pus around the teeth. Pus is a classic sign of infection. This may be one explanation for the unusual taste in the mouth coupled with a bad odor. The presence of pus in every area in your mouth is also a sign that you may have other dental problems.

3. Bleeding and swollen gums. When the tooth structure becomes damaged, other organs in the oral cavity becomes. The most affected among those are the gums. You will see that they have become soft and there are redness and swelling as well.

Signs and symptoms of cavities are difficult to notice at the earliest. But when you begin to feel the early signs, this is a signal that the cavity has progressed. So, it is important to mai8ntain the health of your teeth.