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Tag: thumb sucking prevention

The Damage to Your Child’s Teeth from Thumb-Sucking

When it comes to child development, thumb sucking is a normal and useful method of self-calming used in early childhood. However, this habit can have a negative impact on a child's dental health if it continues after the teeth have left the gums.

Over time, thumb suction can cause the teeth to misalign and even change the shape of the jaw. These orthodontic problems often require orthodontic treatment such as braces and, in severe cases, even surgery. To get rid of this habit, you can buy thumb sucking device online.

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If your child is still sucking their thumb while their permanent teeth are coming out or not removing the pacifier, you may need to help break the habit to prevent future dental problems.

When babies suck their thumbs or use a pacifier, they learn to calm down and relax. This form of reassurance allows babies to fall asleep on their own during naps or before bedtime, and ultimately helps with the transition from infant to toddler.

 While thumb sucking is a common calming behavior in young children, it can have serious side effects. Fingers or pacifiers are physical forces that can affect the soft tissue of your child's lips, affect teething and change the overall structure of the jaw.

Older children who continue to suck their thumbs can have serious consequences requiring orthodontic treatment or reconstructive surgery. If a child can switch from thumb sucking to healthier coping mechanisms early on, changes to the teeth or jaw caused by thumb sucking can usually be corrected.