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Tag: pool cover roller

Pool Cover Rollers: What You Need To Know In The UK

Pool cover rollers are an important part of any pool’s maintenance and upkeep. They are designed to help keep debris out of the pool and make it easier to open and close the pool cover. Knowing what types of pool cover rollers are available and how to properly install them can help keep your pool clean and safe.

Types of Pool Cover Rollers

There are several types of pool cover rollers available. Manual pool cover rollers are operated by hand and are designed for residential pools. To know more about pool covers in the UK, you can also contact Coversinplay.

Automatic pool cover rollers are usually motorized and are typically used on commercial pools and large residential pools. Solar pool cover rollers are powered by the sun and are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience and cost savings.

Proper Installation

It is important to install pool cover rollers properly to ensure they are effective. Manual pool cover rollers should be installed on a level surface and should be securely attached to the pool cover. Automatic and solar pool cover rollers should be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.


Pool cover rollers are an important part of any pool’s maintenance and upkeep. Knowing what types of pool cover rollers are available and how to properly install them can help keep your pool clean and safe. Proper installation of pool cover rollers is essential for their effectiveness and can help ensure your pool stays clean and safe.

The Benefits of Swimming Pool Covers

Pool cover offers several benefits for homeowners. When the temperature and leaves begin to fall, you must hibernate and cover your pond to protect it. However, protecting your pool from off-season weather is not the only reason for high-quality swimming pool protection.

Swimming pool coverings have made innovative progress over the years and are now more often used outside of annual pool closures. As a pool owner, you have a variety of pool cover options that meet your environmental and personal needs.

Here are some of the best benefits of pool cover and options that you should consider when looking for the right cover for your home.

Covering your pool can offer many benefits to your pool and family. Depending on the type used, a pool cover can help your home:

    Reducing the risk of drowning accidentally.

    Water retention by reducing evaporation.

    Reduce consumption of chemicals by reducing water evaporation. The less water you have to add, the       less chemicals you have to add.

    Save care time by leaving less dirt in the pool and therefore less dust.

    Reduce energy costs for heating pool water because most pools store heat.

    Increase the temperature of the pool water at night so you can swim more comfortably.

Nowadays, pool owners have many choices to choose from when choosing pool covers. Each type of cover has different advantages and disadvantages. Be sure to consider which features or benefits are important to you before deciding on a pool cover.