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Tag: Poe delirium orbs

The Beginner Vendor Recipes

Chromatic Orb – Every item with three different color slots linked together.

Probably the easiest PoE seller recipes that can increase your profit. It returns the Chromatic Orbs of the trade that you make. To get more information about Poe delirium orbs, you can search the browser.

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All you have to do to get it is to exchange the items with at least one socket red, blue, and green are linked together. This also applies to goods purchased from the store so you can figure stuff like this in the vendor store, buy them and sell again to increase profits.

Jewelry Orb – Every item with six sockets.

This recipe became helpful later in the game when you open the skill to release items with six devices. When that happens, you can pick it up and trade to an NPC to receive seven Jeweler's Orb for each item sold.

Divine Orb – Every item associated with six sockets.

With this recipe, you have to be careful because the items associated with six sockets quite often more valuable than the Orb, but if they do not, then you can trade them for NPC easy to divine.

Armorer Scrap's- A piece of equipment with a quality of 20% or more pieces of equipment with a combined quality of 40% or more. Keep in mind that the shield in this case is also considered armor.

Whetstone Blacksmith – Weapons with quality 20% or more weapons with the combined qualities of 40% or more.