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Tag: Phobia of flying

Three Easy Steps To Overcoming Phobia Of Flying

Even though flying on airplanes is the safest mode of travel, it is ironically one of the most feared. The idea of air travel may be strange but its reality is quite the opposite. Even though I have been on many flights, I have butterflies in my stomach when the plane starts going down the runway to fly. However, in my first flight, these butterflies were like cannonballs.

The most important thing to remember when stepping on an airplane is that we all control our mind and fear. Take small steps in your mind to overcome your fear in flight.

Phobia Of Flying

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Stop thinking statistically: Flight statistics prove that flight is extremely safe, but statistics do not always sit well in our minds. Even though your chance of dying on an airplane is ridiculously small, the fact that their statistic is one that allows us to imagine ourselves as those ominous numbers. 

The first time is the worst: Just because someone flies all the time doesn't mean that it was always easy for them. In fact, most people get scared during their first flight. It is difficult to determine the severity of your condition without flight. You can get nervous while boarding the aircraft, but be aware that the flight is not bad after taking off.

Breath and Relaxation: To overcome the phobia of flying, it is necessary to resort to each other for breathing and rest. One of the amazing things about flying on a plane is the luxury you can experience. You can take a drink, watch a movie, sleep, etc. A mixture of rest, relaxation and incredible views can create a very enjoyable experience.