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Tag: PFAS in Drinking water

The Health Effects Of PFAS In Drinking Water

Drinking water is one of the most important aspects of our daily lives. You might be surprised to learn, however, that it isn't always as pure as you think, especially when it comes to chemicals known as PFAS. This article explores the impacts and health effects of PFAS in drinking water

What Are PFAS?

PFAS are a group of chemicals that are used in many products, including clothes, food packaging, and furniture. They are also produced when companies burn PFAS-containing materials, such as oil. PFAS can be found in many places, including drinking water. 

EPA Takes Action to Address PFAS in Drinking Water - Expert Environmental Consulting

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What Are The Health Effects Of PFAS In Drinking Water?

Some research has shown that people who drink water with high levels of PFAS are more likely to have health problems, such as cancer. Others have found that these chemicals can seep into the water supply and cause harm to the environment and the human population. 

There is still much we don't know about the health effects of PFAS, If your water does contain PFAS, you can use a filter or other device to remove the chemicals from your water. 

How Did PFAS Get In Drinking Water?

PFAS (perfluorochemicals) is a type of molecule that was once used in a wide range of products, including Teflon, Scotchgard, and cookware. However, over the years PFAS has been linked to health problems, including cancer, impaired thyroid function, and fertility problems.

PFAS are often found in water supplies near military bases and other industrial sites where they’ve been discharged into the environment. The chemical can leach from these sites into public water supplies and has been detected in drinking water in communities across the U.S.

PFAS exposure has been linked to elevated levels of certain hormones in people, which has led to concerns about their impact on health. While it’s still unclear how PFAS exposure affects human health, research is ongoing and more information is needed about the risks posed by this type of environmental hazard.