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Tag: organic products

Hair Care Products – Regular Versus Organic Products

We must remember that ordinary hair care products contain a number of chemicals, although our daily life requires the use of some of these products. No matter how carefully they are made, they can damage hair. 

Most dermatologists recommend using organic and natural hair care products. These products are usually free of synthetic chemicals and petroleum-based polymers. You can also get in touch to see different organic hair care products. 

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They are made from botanical ingredients which are abundant in nature and therefore help to nourish the hair. Organic products are safe to buy but are sure to check for certifications from USDA Organic, NSDF, etc. which is a well-known and legal certification body for organic products.

Organic hair care products require at least 70 to 95% use of natural ingredients, without the addition of polymers and synthetic additives in their manufacture, and without basic chemical processes in their manufacture, although a chemical content of 5% can be used. 

Examples of organic products are jojoba and marshmallow, which are made from oak and nettle. They moisturize and strengthen hair, and the added apple cider vinegar contributes to the shine and health of your hair. Therefore, natural hair care products, are carefully prepared with natural ingredients.

Some organic shampoos, such as citrus shampoo, neem shampoo, rosemary hair oil, hair oil, scalp oil are used to strengthen the scalp by scrubbing and massaging scalp. 

These products are usually named after the main ingredients that go into production. Aimed at maximum hair care, they help revitalize hair, stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth.