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Tag: Motorbike accessories

The Most Common Types Of Motorbike Helmets

There are many different types of motorcycle helmets, but all of them have one thing in common: they protect your head in a crash.

Here is a brief overview of the most common types of motorcycle helmets at

1. The Full-Face Helmet: This is the most popular type of motorcycle helmet and it is also the safest. It covers your entire head except for your eyes. Some full-face helmets have a visor that shields your eyes from the sun and wind.

2. The Half-Face Helmet: Half-face helmets are less popular than full-face helmets, but they are just as effective in protecting your head in a crash. They cover only half of your head and allow you to see out of the front and back of the helmet.

3. The Open-Face Helmet: Open-face helmets are not as popular as other types of motorcycle helmets, but they are still effective in protecting your head in a crash. They don't have any protective features other

How To Get The Right Fit On Your Helmet

You can also try on helmets in a shop before buying them so that you can get a feel for how they feel and fit.

One thing to keep in mind is that a helmet should fit snugly, but not too tight. A helmet should not feel like a helmet, but more like a piece of clothing. You should be able to wear it all day without any discomfort.

If the helmet feels too tight, you may want to consider buying one size larger than you usually would or try another style or brand. With all this said, wearing a helmet can make all the difference in the world.