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Tag: med spa coolsculpting

What You Need To Know About CoolSculpting

The Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. has given clearance for a non-surgical fat reduction treatment called CoolSculpting. Both doctors and dermatologists have declared that they think the procedure is secure, reliable, and efficient. Highly recommended due to its non-surgical nature.

The need for needles and anesthetics is not necessary for CoolSculpting. This reduces the risk of scarring as well as prolonged healing times typically associated with fat reduction treatments. You can also get more information about med spa coolsculpting by searching online.

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What is happening during this non-surgical treatment for fat loss is that an applicator is utilized to provide precise cooling effects on the area targeted. The effects of cooling are directed at the fat underneath, without impacting the skin's surface or the skin in any manner.

The temperature of the applicator is sufficient to convert liquid fat into a solid. Therefore, when the fat cells have been exposed to the extreme cold, they shrink in size, and then slowly vanish.

Benefits of CoolSculpting as A Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Method

What's wonderful about a nonsurgical fat reduction treatment is that the entire procedure will take only an hour. It is possible to go back to your normal routine as soon as you are ready. CoolSculpting has been shown to reduce fat deposits as high as 20% – 40 percent in the area targeted.

Most people are satisfied with just one treatment but occasionally, they decide to undergo additional treatments to achieve the best results.