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Tag: home flooring

Types of Hardwood Floor Installation

When you decide for the installation of wooden flooring you should have a professional to do the job. Once you decide your contractor then you will need to decide what kind of installation you want.

There are generally three types of installations to choose from including floating, glued or nailed. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and you should discuss each with your contractor before you decide which one is best for you.

You can also find more information about the best flooring contractor in Jacksonville fl through various online sources.

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Overall the floating floor is considered the best for clients who live in tropical climates because the humidity can contract and expand the wooden floor. A floating floor is a floor where each piece of the floor is connected to each other.

Other options of installation include gluing or nailing downstairs. Gluing will give your floor the feel of traditional solid wood flooring. It is adhesively good but can be a little expensive.

Whichever method you ultimately choose, it should be properly installed so that it can last for a lifetime. And when it's all done, the wood flooring offers many advantages over traditional carpet included improving indoor air quality.

The carpet can release toxins into the environment and captures dust, dust mites and mold. Hardwood floors, on the other hand, do not hide or contain any toxins and they are easier to clean. Moreover, they last longer than carpet.