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Tag: gardening supplies

Find The Best Gardening Tools

If you are someone who's passionate about gardening, you should be armed with the right tools. Listed below are the basic tools every gardener should start with. After years of experience, we can provide you with a few types available in each category:

The Trowel

This is a versatile gardening tool that should always be ready at hand. It is used to plant small plants and scoop soil in pots. It can also be used to remove stubborn weeds. The trowel is the all-purpose tool in your arsenal and having more then one is quite acceptable. There are many verities available but my favorite is an all-plastic model. You can also look for O’Toole’s Garden Center to get the best tools for your garden.

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The Shovel

A shovel is used for many jobs. It can also be used to move or remove dirt but its main purpose in my garden is to dig holes. We recommend you invest in a high-quality shovel. You need both kinds- a spade and a flat head shovel. 


If you are working with trees and plants, it is essential that you buy the right shears. Make sure that you buy a high-quality model even though it means you will have to pay extra. You should accept the extra cost and get the best. 

You will find three different types, long blade to trim hedges, lopping shears designed to cut larger branches, and small hand shears made to snip and trim small branches and shoots. Shear blades should be kept clean and very sharp and be lubricated with light oil.

Looking For The Best Tools For Vegetable Gardening

Today's gardeners prefer to grow their own vegetables to stay healthy and to save money during our recession. You can have a standard vegetable garden growing plants in the ground, or you can make life a little easier with the use of raised bed garden that will put your vegetable garden at a level that would be easier to maintain.

Many gardeners of today prefer the raised garden bed because they have a more productive use of space which will give them more crops. You can also get the best products for your vegetable yard online.

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The gardening supplies that are needed for this type of gardening are the same as for in ground standard gardening, the only difference being you will not need any long handled tools.

Your gardening tools should be of good quality possibly professional or the heavy duty type but you do not need to spend a great deal of money on them. 

A spade is a tool with a long handle used for digging holes and working the soil. It should be just long enough, according to your height, so you will be able to use the foot rest to push the implement into the ground for digging. 

A short-handled shovel is a tool with a shape similar to a spoon to dig a smaller hole. It must be equipped with a sturdy wooden handles and steel blades. gardener who is also a tool with a short handle and used for trimming dead branches.