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Tag: first aid certificate course

Survival Skills – Why You Should Learn First Aid for Different Problems

While you may have the most first aid knowledge in our household, you may also be the person who usually needs it. There have been a number of interesting episodes over the years and usually have to explain what needs to be done when they happen.

Horse Throwing: Many riders are injured by horse throwing. This injury must not occur near civilization. In my case it was, but there are still some steps to take. I was lucky not to actually break a bone, although one vertebra decided to shift position and that could be a problem. This is a good reason to learn first aid.

You can opt for an advanced first aid certificate course at various online sources.

Fractured Knee: Anyone who looks at my knee can see that it is broken. During the first fifteen minutes of this experience, I had to perform first aid myself, and that meant moving the joint. This is difficult on hot concrete floors, but it might help the doctor put the pieces together later. This is a good reason to know first aid.

Northridge: Luckily none of us were hurt, but there are plenty of others who weren't so lucky. A neighbor broke three toes. Others have cuts to their feet that require stitches. It took the last few hours before anyone was able to resolve this issue. It's just a minor injury. Some are much worse and not all can be served quickly. This is a good reason to learn first aid.