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Tag: elder law attorney near me

What is an Elder Law Attorney and How Can One Help Me?

Our population is aging, and as we continue to age, we are faced with complex and difficult legal issues to address. The complicated laws and regulations of Medicaid and the Veterans Administration do not make it easy to navigate in old age. In response to these challenges, a new area of law is developing, namely the law of the elderly.

Elder law in Phoenix is a growing area of legal practice where attorneys will work with seniors, people with disabilities, and their families to develop legal and financial strategies to pay for long-term care and help clients navigate complex rules and regulations. Legal regulations are involved with the various government programs.

For example, let's say her mother has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and she is reviewing nursing home bills for more than $ 6,000 per month. A quality senior attorney could craft a plan that protects the nursing home mother's assets, for the benefit of the family, developing a long-term care strategy and navigating the government Medicaid program on her behalf.

Perhaps her father was a veteran and is considering the need for assisted living or home health care. An Elder Law attorney (who must also be accredited by the Veterans Administration), could help your father qualify for the little-known Veterans Administration Pension Benefit, which could help offset some of the costs of the assisted living facility or home health care your father is receiving.