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Tag: divorce lawyers near me

What To Look For In A Divorce Lawyer – How To Choose Wisely

As a result of the evolution in family law in the past 30 years, which includes the introduction of equitable distribution as a replacement of common law rules, the implementation of laws protecting spouses of military personnel as well as the introduction of guidelines for support and other local rules that have been enacted by the various circuits, the subject of divorce and separation is now far too complex and specialized for an attorney who doesn't regularly deal with these kinds of cases.

As it is more beneficial to prevail in court instead of having a difficult appeal, it's best to choose a competent divorce lawyer, who can get the job done the first time rather instead of having to pay someone else to fix the mistakes that were made. The lawyer will likely have a friend or two who dedicate a large part of their practice in law to divorce, separation, and other related issues.

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Anyone worth their salt must have earned a name with other lawyers. Lawyers are generally aware of the best lawyer for a particular kind of case. They know who they would consult in the event of divorce or separation.

If your lawyer does not spend a substantial portion of their practice in family law or has never attempted an uncontested divorce or contesting custody case and has not tried an equitable distribution case or created an appropriate domestic relations order that divides pensions, or is not experienced in a military divorce, and has not written a retired military salary order, you might prefer a different attorney for your divorce or separation.