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Tag: dental implants melrose

Using Laser Technology To Treat Gum Diseases

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is an infection of the tissue and supporting bone that holds the tooth in place. Periodontal disease generally affects adults and is caused by a number of reasons, such as poor oral health, chronic diseases such as diabetes, smoking, and certain medications.

Laser treatment is a procedure to maintain, regenerate and build bone tissue. In general dentistry, dentists use a laser to access infected pouches and kill infected tissue and bacteria.

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laser for gum disease

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After the infected tissue is removed and the roots exposed, the tartar is removed with root cleaner rather than scraping it with a hand tool. Finally, laser energy is used to heat stem cells that contain blood in the pouch, sealing the tissue to the tooth root.

 The benefits of laser technology for treating gum disease

1. Limits bleeding

Many gingivitis patients suffer from profuse bleeding gums and bone loss. That's why it's important to remove bacteria from teeth and gum pockets. The advantage of lasers is not only to remove bacteria but also to destroy them. This will help reduce bleeding and swelling of the gums.

2. Can be optimized for patients

The wavelength and power level of the laser beam can be adjusted based on the various degrees of periodontitis. This gives dentists complete control over the procedure and allows them to perform tailored dental treatments to individual patients and their long-term needs.