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Tag: dell service provider

How To Choose A Server

If you've decided that you and your business have grown large enough to require a server, there are some basic principles to help you find the server you need.

Generally, you've outgrown simply having a desktop computer and you have several users, including yourself, who could benefit from having a supported system that supports several major applications, such as email, messaging print servers, calendar programs, databases, and other planning and management software. A professional dell service provider should assist your organization's need to collaborate and share data.

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The server allows you to have a central repository for all files, including documents, images, and contacts. You may wish to host a company intranet so that you can share information with your employees or set up a virtual private network, where any of you can access the server remotely using internet access.

The server could also hold backups of desktops and laptops so that the data is preserved if the system is lost, stolen, or fails. Dell servers are known to be secure, reliable, and tolerant of faults. 

However, there is a risk if the service provider has a disaster or goes out of business. If their cloud service stops, so does your business or organization. 

You'd likely lose access to your applications, data, and files and your employees would not be able to share files or otherwise function. There are also security and privacy concerns when putting your data on the cloud and then there are the costs.