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Tag: cellulite reduction

How to Reduce Cellulite on Thighs

Most women curse cellulite on their thighs. This ugly skin made of orange peel forbade them to wear short revealing dresses, shorts, or bikinis.

Suffering from this state of beauty can lower your self-esteem because you tend to make fun of yourself when others find out you have it. If you want to reduce cellulite then you can look for: 

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These cellulite-related bumps are actually fat deposits in the connective tissue that are pushed under the skin. It should form when the body is not properly supplied with blood. Toxins, fat, and excess water accumulates in the body to cause cellulite.

 Apart from a variety of exercise and a healthy diet, cellulite on the thighs can be reduced in various ways:

Deep Lymphatic Massage – Massage of deep tissue in problem areas can improve blood circulation, significantly reducing toxin and fat buildup. Frequent massages also help to push out trapped fat cells and can be washed normally, resulting in a reduced appearance.

Creams – Gels, lotions, or creams are applied directly to the affected area and can reduce their appearance within just one month of continuous use.

Mesotherapy – In this treatment, your cellulite is given a micro injection of a mixture of herbal extracts, vitamins and medicines. This can dissolve the fat deposits and the results are immediate. However, multiple sessions are required to achieve a full reduction.

Liposuction – Liposuction reduces cellulite in the thighs by making small incisions and inserting a cannula. The fat is then sucked out of the body with the help of a powerful suction machine.