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Tag: bio resonance

How Do Ozone Discectomy Cure Spinal Problems

Pain relief from ozone discectomy is good in the long term, and the effects usually last for more than a year or more. There are many benefits of ozone discectomy which are described below.

However, you can also get medical ozone therapy in Cyprus.

1> This usually happens every day.

2> Since it is a simple injection with one injection, like a normal injection procedure, general anesthesia is not required.

3> Since it is just an injection procedure, you don't need to be admitted to a hospital/nursing home.

4> The best thing about this method is its simplicity, therefore it can be performed on relatively unwell patients and the elderly.

5> It is a best practice and hassle free with almost zero complications. In addition, there is no long-term need for medical surgery, and it is easier to operate again in the future compared to surgery.

In contrast to surgery, the structure is not prepared and only a needle is used, spinal adhesions or instability are excluded. Therefore, the risk associated with ozone discectomy is zero.

This treatment can be viewed as a natural remedy for treating a herniated disc.

It is also gaining popularity in Cyprus, not only because of fewer hospital stays, less postoperative discomfort and morbidity, and very few side effects, but also because of its cost-effectiveness.