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Tag: best men’s workout shorts

Different Types Of Fabric For High Performance Activewear

Activewear is a type of cloth that combines fashion and function. These clothes are as stylish as they look. These clothes aren't your ordinary workout clothes. These clothes are great for workouts.

Activewear can look great even after repeated hot water washes. You can still wear it even if you sweat a lot. You can also look for the best high performance activewear via

Below is a list with all the details of different fabrics:


Cotton is one of the most beloved fabrics because it feels great on your skin. Cotton is an excellent fabric in its own right, but it's even more amazing when blended with other technical fabrics. 


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Spandex is another fabric that works well for activewear. Spandex is loved for its flexibility and recovery abilities. Spandex is used in almost all of the tight fitting clothing. 


Polyester is both durable and inexpensive. Polyester garments can be recycled. Polyester does not absorb additional moisture so it has quick drying properties. 


Nylon is one the strongest fibers. Nylon is also known for its resistance to abrasion. Because of its low moisture absorbency, it is quick drying. 


Bamboo fabrics are soft, comfortable and cool. Bamboo is a sustainable plant. If the bamboo is made into fabric, it can pollute the environment. Bamboo is strong, durable, and has natural moisture-wicking properties.