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Tag: basic obedience training

Basic Training Of Puppy

Taking good care of a pet puppy is quite much like caring for a young child, and you want to do it with caution and care. This is the way.

It's necessary that you should train your dog with good training and make sure you will be there in case your pet ever gets in trouble. Have a peek at this site to get more information on basic dog training for the puppy.

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How can I give my pup treats?

You should instruct your dog the only way it would get a treat is if it does something right. You can train your dog and the dog follows it properly, you can give him treat afterward.

After your pet has learned a command, you can switch it between rewarding it using praise and treats.

Repair your pet's mistakes early on

If your puppy would perform tasks that you don't like, and it's your job to inform it exactly what it should do differently.

One very important issue to notice is that you shouldn't hit your pup. And you shouldn't attempt adjusting your pet for something it did a few minutes or hours ago.

Leash training

Your pet would require a good deal of training in order to walk peacefully with a leash. To assist your dog with interacting, you can try taking out your pet to the playground in order for it to meet different dogs.