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Healthy teeth, gums, and mouth constitute dental health while dental care in McLean is about maintaining good dental health. Poor dental health can cause problems such as tooth decay, bad breath, missing teeth, and gum infections.

There are certain ways that can help in maintaining the strong teeth and overall a good mental health. If you want to get more information regarding preventive dental care then you can navigate to


Daily cleaning practices

Regular cleaning is the first and important part of maintaining oral health. Tooth decay and many other gum problems can be easily avoided by practising regular cleaning.

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing should be part of the daily routine.

Mouth wash can also be used after every meal or after eating too much sugary food. Sugar disturbs the acidic balance in the mouth causing tooth decay.

Brushing teeth twice a day is preferable; in the morning after waking up and second before going to bed.

The toothbrush must be changed after every two months and brushing may be accompanied with flossing twice in every week.

People using braces need a special toothbrush and some extra oral hygiene tools.

Dental care in McLean also suggests using fluoridated toothpaste and mouth wash that helps in reducing tooth decay.