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One of the biggest concerns for the roofer is safety. Safety is the difference between life and death for the roofer. One of the biggest problems for the roofer is to keep him safe while doing the roof repairs and installations. Roof contractors should teach the basic safety measures to their employees as well as the homeowners where they are going to work. 

The importance of safety should be the priority of every roofing company. Roofers should not only obey the proper safety but they should also be concerned with the welfare of the workplace. 

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The roofers should keep the workplace clean and organized. This will result in less danger of tripping. It will also help in identifying all the danger spots and help in repairing them. The most productive work sites are monitored and constantly being cleaned by the crew so that the work just flows better.

All roofers use some kind of ladder. They should be used correctly otherwise they will prove to be the worst enemy of roofers. Do not use a ladder that is damaged. Never trust a homemade ladder. 

Electric cables have claimed many deaths of roofers because the metal ladder was set up near electrical wires. Never trust electricity, electricity can travel from one wire to another wire, even on a ladder that is set up a few feet away. Keep always non-conductive ladders in the workplace.

Accidents can happen and professionals know how to handle them. Provide first aid, call on a helpline number, record accident and details of the accident on the accident form.