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Roofs are important because of their durability and aesthetic appeal. If you're looking for the best roofing material, you will need to have a list and some advice. You are only here for this reason! Let's now take a look at the best roofing materials in region Durham. These are smart decisions you can make to improve the aesthetic appeal of your home and provide peace of mind for many years.

Types and styles of roofing

Here are some popular options.

1 – Wooden shingles

Wooden shingles are a great choice for places like region Durham. Although they are more expensive, wooden shacks can still be used as roofing materials. They have a long life span, allow for endless customization options, and retain a traditional charm. This is a perfect choice if you love rustic appeal and vintage designs. These are also heat and fire-resistant. They can also provide great insulation. Professional tiling in region Durham is only recommended if you want to get high-quality work.

roofing in region Durham

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2 – Asphalt shingles

Asphalt shingles/shakes are a crowd favorite. They are very durable and last around 30 to 35 years. They come in many varieties and are the most affordable. It's no surprise that this is the most popular roofing material in region Durham. 

You also get low maintenance and a lower cost than wooden shingles. The overall aesthetics may be compromised, but that is what you will have to deal with. The zinc/copper combination keeps mildew and mold at bay. This makes asphalt shingles the ideal material for professional roofing in region Durham.

To avoid liability coverage and costly damages, make sure contractors use all safety equipment. For a lasting impact, it is important to ensure proper ventilation. You might have to replace it later. Leakages are easy to spot, regardless of how professional the roofing in region Durham was done.