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How Key Cutting Works

Key cutting is a beneficial service that can be needed by you frequently and which can have a variety of uses. The term standard key cutting in Sydney has been derived from the word 'cutting' in metalworking which refers to the shaping the material by removing the sections. In key cutting, a similar thing is done with the metal piece, to make a key mold by removing the extra metal around the edges. This is the most used key cutting method by the locksmiths. 

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Two keys are inserted in the vices of a key cutting machine to cut the key. From these keys, one will be the original key which will be copied while the rest keys will be blank. It has a blade to cut the key. 

Both the keys will be held opposite to each other. Then the original key will be used as a guiding key to guide the movements of the blade in the cutting machine. The blade will remove the extra metal and will cut the metal similar to the original key. At the end of the process, two identical keys will be presented.

This system uses a grinder pattern. But the key can also be duplicated by using a machine known as a punch machine in which the length and depth of the key are measured and those points are marked on the blade before punching. But it is a bit difficult method because sometimes the points may not be accurate.