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Proper credentialing is essential for the healthcare industry as well as other highly skilled service industries. Patients and the health care providers who hire and manage them can be at risk if they don't have proper credentialing verification

These risks could lead to costly consequences such as fines, civil monetary sanctions, litigation, or other serious consequences. Accuracy and current data are key factors in improving patient safety. Patients expect that when they need serious surgery or have to share sensitive information about their health, their provider has been thoroughly vetted and credentialed.


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Many organizations use Credentials Verification Organizations (CVOs) to verify and vet credentials. This process is time-consuming and involves accurate identification matching, primary source data verification, and continuous monitoring of providers. 

It also provides the framework for monitoring and evaluation of health care providers to ensure patients receive quality care and that they are meeting important compliance requirements. Health care organizations must know everything they can about their providers in order to provide high-quality patient outcomes.

CVOs work on behalf of their clients — healthcare systems, hospitals, clinics, etc. — to gather all relevant information on providers.CVOs are on the front lines of protecting patients from potentially fraudulent or dangerous practitioners, ensuring compliance for the systems they serve, and preserving the integrity of well-qualified providers. You can even search online for more information about CVO credentialing.