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Go Green With Solar Panels

The solar industry now has customers everywhere – and not just in the US, but worldwide. Here's how bad the sell-out is – did you know that one of the world's largest user of solar energy is in Germany? See how bad it is now; It is a country where the weather in summer is as winters in many places, but they are one of the biggest movers and shakers in solar.

You can visit this site to get more information about solar energy. 

Not only that, but the cost of solar equipment is getting cheaper all the time, so much so that we could see the sun on more roofs than not for long. Can you say "The ultimate sell-out"?

We can not lay all the blame at the feet of the solar energy industry to sell-out that took place in the US, because the government helps take some of the solar roof and helped put it on the roof of a lot.

And what they did to contribute to the mass sale of this? No fewer than giving rebates and tax incentives for homeowners and businesses for approximately 30% of the cost of new solar electric system, making it affordable for more people.

And it's not just the federal government that helps to increase the size of the sell-out, but the State government is getting in on the action too. Yes, the number of people and organizations who participated in this conspiracy, for want of a better word, is growing all the time. Most countries now offer rebates as well, meaning we'll see the sun on the roof even more.