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Choose Secure Doors And Windows For Your Home in Pickering

Badly designed windows and doors can compromise your home security. Here are some ways to fix it.

1. Doors should be made from solid core wood. Hollow core doors are often easy to cut through.

2. Doors should not exceed a few inches in thickness and must fit tightly into the frame. The distance between the door frame and the door should not exceed one-eighth inch. If you want to buy new windows and doorways in Pickering, then you can check out the web.


3. No matter what locks or bolts are used, the door will not offer security.

4. Is there a decorative glass panel on your front door? If so, consider replacing it. In seconds, a burglar can break the glass and unlock the door.

5. Replace the glass with break-resistant plastic, and place a decorative grill.

6. The security of your front door can be greatly enhanced by installing a wrought iron security gate. It can be seen by would-be burglars and acts as a deterrent against break-ins.

7. You can consider buying uPVC doors and windows. uPVC is protected by a thick layer of galvanized steel, making it very difficult to break the uPVC doors or windows. This will prevent you from becoming victims to thieves and robbers.

These simple tips will help you reduce the chance of burglaries by protecting your windows and doors.