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All About The Professional Detailing Steps

Have you ever wondered what is the secret of professional detail that is flawless? It's the process of the car care cycle. Car Care Cycle, well-known name in the field of products for cleaning surfaces. It is a five-step procedure that outlines each step using concise and measurable definitions.

This isn't only for firms that provide car paint protection services, but knowing the process for yourself is essential to ensure that your detailing professional is doing their task right every time.

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When you are aware of what happens in what order, you can be sure that the detailer is using the necessary products for the process and will give you the best value for money.

Stage 1: Washing

Cleaning your car requires soft sponges, warm water, and special cleaners to wash away any surface dirt and contaminants that your car comes in contact with.

Stage 2 Polishing

Polishing is the ideal term for what the process does, it creates shine! A lot of brands provide two types of polishes.

The very first kind of polish is known as abrasive polish. It repairs minor tiny, fine imperfections and also gives a high-gloss shine and an extra smooth surface. The second polish is known as pure polish. It's for cars that have bright sparkling finishes that produce sparkling high-gloss.

Professional detailing, at its finest, covers all the steps of the care process.