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All About Hospital Fire Safety

Hospitals are places where thousands of individuals put their trust in. There are sick and ailing people towards whom the hospital or the healthcare facility has a binding responsibility.

It is the duty of the hospital to protect their patients against all types of natural hazards like fires. One of the ways hospital staff can prevent the damage by fires is by using suitable fire exit signs. You can also get the hospital fire safety class via

It's highly recommended that all hospitals should maintain a fully detailed fire plan which should serve the staff in emergencies. This fire plan should include instructions on placement of warning signs, fire exit signs detecting immediate presence of fire, transmitting messages in times of emergency and evacuation procedures.

This plan is a document which should be circulated amongst all the hospital staff. This document should be updated in accordance to the change in hospital facilities.

The first preventive step when it comes to fire safety is to identify potential hazards in the hospital area. There are a number of chemical solutions, medicines and other objects inside a compound which can serve as fire hazards. The staff should identify such objects and display appropriately worded warning signs besides them.

Sometimes fire may occur due to short circuits, fuse failure and other electrical issues. It's always good practice to have a professional and competent electrician check the condition of the wiring inside the hospital premises.

The condition of electrical appliances in the hospital should be duly checked for any defects. The workability of fire alarms, fire exit signs and the condition of the fire safety equipment should also be tested at specific intervals.