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All About Benefits Of Water Chestnuts

Health and Fitness Aug 10, 2020

As the winter starts, we can observe several hawkers with water chestnuts or Singhara on the roads and streets. The fruit and vegetable markets are also flooded with this aquatic ingredient.

Water chestnuts are very healthy and also very important for human body growth. There are various things made up of this vegetable such as water chestnut chips, Crispy water chestnuts, assorted flavors (also known as “แห้วอบกรอบคละรส” in the Thai language), etc.

This vegetable is whitish that are grown in muddy areas of the land. This vegetable is also known as “Singhara”. It is rich in fiber, minerals, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

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Some Ultimate Health Benefits of Water chestnut:-

  1. It has a rich amount of potassium, which helps to measure the effect of sodium and good for lowering blood pressure. 
  2. This edible vegetable is good for jaundice.
  3. This vegetable produces neurotransmitters that are effective for your mood and sleep.
  4. It has enough amount of iodine which is effective in the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland.
  5. This vegetable is also rich in the amount of potassium, vitamins B, and E. All these nutrients are good for healthy hair.
  6. During pregnancy, it is helpful in the growth and development of fetal.

With a very low price, you can bring a healthy life for family members. Use this vegetable in your diet to reap their amazing health benefits.